Research includes
- Internal software and product development
- Innovation screening
- Knowledge development and management
- Prototyping and quality assurance for customer projects and
- Strategic decision support
Result types include software and product development based on the latest technologies, innovation reports, studies, strategic analysis and decision support regarding strategic questions.
Next to software development and IT consulting, project management is our core competence. We have extended our methodology system, consisting of ten project management and ten system planning methods by architecture principles, components, generators, and technologies. Our pLine and cLine set of methods (project and system planning) and our technologies, such as software factory and migration factory, vouch for our success. We have the vision of developing individual software at the price of standard software based on reusable components. Our customers benefit from our ability to offer safer, more standardized IT-solutions with a reduced time to market and at lower cost. For us, this means the ability to offer our customers safer standard solutions and faster development. None of our competitors, neither global nor offshore, are able to provide the same complex scope of services. We have succeeded in empowering many of our customers to be the market leader in their respective field already. And we will continue to live up to the slogan: “Project professionals – creating your success!”
Component technology, our generators, and our architectures enable us to provide our customers with more cost efficient solutions than the traditional software of the older generation, which is based on procedures. We continuously draw on our project business for new solutions and component innovations. This approach has resulted in Solution Lines. They deliver standard solutions for the various automation approaches:
- Solutions of our partners,
- Solutions we have developed for our customers and distribute together,
- Solutions developed in-house.
We achieve a significant time to market reduction with our suites, solutions, and components. A reusability rate of nearly 80 % acts as an additional accelerator for the provision of solutions.
In our business segment "Software" we develop solutions and products for the sectors
- Finance
- Travel
- Logistics
- Telco
- Public Sector
We offer these solutions with the following user models:
- Sourcecode
- License
- Hosting
- On Demand
In addition to the ordinary distribution channels, we will also sell these solutions through our online distribution system. We have developed a virtual Solution Warehouse specifically for that purpose. The PASS Solution Warehouse will gradually receive the attribute OPEN because it is our wish to also give the Open Source Community the chance to introduce and sell solutions.
PASS can also be your IT service provider. We offer scalable services. We cover the entire range from on-site services up to full outsourcing within the context of our service technology application management (OMS and AEP) or system management. Outsourcing by PASS means a comprehensive service package for outsourcing, right-sourcing, co-sourcing, and smartsourcing from application development and maintenance, state-of-the-art ASP models down to profitable outsourcing and remarketing models.