Neurofeedback software
Neurofeedback training is a groundbreaking method for enhancing athletic performance through targeted mental training sessions. Unlike traditional training, which focuses primarily on physical aspects, neuroathletics emphasizes the central role of the brain in athletic success.
Through the use of neurofeedback technology, brain activity is monitored in real time as athletes mentally visualize movements and actions. This innovative method not only improves athletic ability, but also supports return to competition after injury.
This product video was kindly provided by i-BrainTech, with whom we collaborate as an official sales partner.

Tactical optimization
Neurofeedback training improves tactical skills by automating neuromuscular coordination and thus optimizing performance in game situations.
The neurofeedback software works like a video game that you control with your thoughts alone. You receive real-time feedback on your concentration and visualization so that you can specifically strengthen neural connections in the brain to optimize your athletic performance. The training includes the following steps:

Create individual training
Choose from more than 500 exercises in a training program developed by professional athletes. Each exercise is tailored to a specific position on the pitch.

Control avatar with the brain
Put on the neurocap that calibrates your brain patterns. Control your avatar by imagining the exercises on the screen.

Track and evaluate progress
Monitor your progress and see a measurable improvement in your mental abilities and athletic performance after just a few months.

Individual training programs
The software offers personalized training plans according to the needs and positions of the players.

Detailed player analyses
Through comprehensive analysis of brain data, precise insights into the players' performance can be gained, enabling targeted identification of strengths and weaknesses.

Realistic simulations
Neuroathletics training offers a series of cognitive exercises that simulate realistic game scenarios.

Location-independent training
The neurofeedback software is conveniently available online via computer and can therefore be used at any time and from anywhere.

Real-time feedback
Immediate feedback during training allows users to adjust and optimize their performance in real time.

User-friendly interface
The intuitive and clear user interface of the neurofeedback software ensures a simple and efficient training experience.
At the beginning, a cap is put on to measure the brain waves and connected to the laptop and the software. After a short calibration, the training starts with 40-60 mental actions that are tailored to the player. The player controls an avatar with his thoughts, e.g. when taking a penalty kick, and focuses on accuracy and power. A session lasts around 20 minutes, including preparation, and is carried out twice a week.