Secure and dynamic cloud solutions from Germany for enterprises
Private cloud: Control and security for your IT infrastructure
The need to operate state-of-the-art and controlled IT infrastructures while managing both regulatory requirements and security threats poses significant challenges for many organizations.
We provide you with individual cloud solutions for your critical IT systems. In our certified data centers within Germany, your IT infrastructure is operated with the utmost care and state-of-the-art technology. The result is a secure, compliant, modern, scalable and controllable IT infrastructure that is oriented towards German and European standards. Professional, scalable, reliable and transparent IT services ensure a cloud made-to-measure. In this way, we guarantee maximum security and control over your IT for you.
Why PASS Cloud Computing Services?
The demands on a company's own IT infrastructure are increasing. Technologies are becoming obsolete at ever shorter intervals, and companies must comply with regulatory requirements, e.g. in terms of data protection, security, documentation. At the same time, cyber-attacks, industrial espionage and data theft – to name just a few – are steadily increasing and becoming more sophisticated. Therefore it is necessary to place the IT infrastructure in the care of professional IT service providers. The question here is whether to choose a large, international cloud computing service provider or one that is subject to German or European law.
Data centers in Germany
According to the "Cloud Monitor 2020" study by Bitkom Research on behalf of KPMG, 76 percent of all companies surveyed used cloud computing in 2019. The overwhelming majority use a private cloud. Two-thirds of all companies using, planning or discussing cloud solutions insist on a data center in Germany. PASS is responding to this need with its offering.
Certified cloud environment
PASS provides cloud environments that are hosted and operated in the own, ISO-certified data centers in Germany. Companies can choose between different forms of operation (cloud service models): SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, see below. In addition, scalable managed (IT) services, see below, are available. This allows our customers to determine the scope of support provided by PASS themselves.
Infrastructure as a Service, abbreviated IaaS, is one of the three cloud service models of PASS Cloud Computing Services. It offers the user the typical components of a data center infrastructure such as hardware, computing power, storage or network resources from the cloud. The availability and fault clearance times of the infrastructure are regulated via Service Level Agreements (SLAs) between PASS and the customer. Billing is either monthly or based on usage. There is no need to invest in hardware. The resources can be flexibly adapted to the respective demand and are quickly scalable in case of peak loads. Since the operation, maintenance and care of the infrastructure is provided by PASS, the user has access to modern hardware and secure platforms.
Platform as a Service, or PaaS, refers to a cloud environment that provides a platform for developing applications on the Internet. PaaS builds on IaaS and adds further features to the provision of hardware. These include a development environment that is usually directly accessible to PaaS users. No customization to, or purchase of, hardware or software is required. PaaS equips programmers with everything needed to develop new software. This includes both development and debugging processes, as well as public or closed testing and delivery to the end user.
Software as a Service (SaaS) refers to a distribution model for applications via the web browser or via secure line connections. SaaS is a subset of PASS Cloud Computing Services.
For companies, this form of cloud computing brings several advantages, including:
- The investment risk in new software, which may also involve the purchase of new hardware, is eliminated. PASS Cloud Computing Services provides you with the complete infrastructure. Software licenses do not have to be purchased, resulting in better cost control.
- The solutions are standardized.
- Users can access the application from smartphones, notebooks and desktop PCs.
With digitization, IT Service Management (ITSM) is gaining in importance in companies. However, this presents a challenge for many companies, because often neither the work processes nor the personnel or financial resources are geared to the necessary service tasks. The solution can be PASS Managed Services: We offer comprehensive SLA services in various forms.
- Smart
- Compact
- Extended
- Customized

The dynamics of your requirements for cloud services are taken into account in our usage models. The fast and smooth adaptation of resources is a matter of course for us.

The following applies to all our cloud soltuions: Our customers determine the features of the services down to the smallest detail. Our usage models take this flexibility fully into account.

Full Service Provider
With us, you get everything from a single source: consulting, implementation, provision via the portal and operation in our own data centers in Germany.

We have three mirrored data centers within Germany. In the unlikely event of a disaster, we can guarantee that your systems will run stably and remain highly available.

Additional services
We provide you with numerous additional services for use from the cloud, e.g. archiving solutions (data, e-mails, and documents), a cloud cockpit or use of the cloud factory.

Made in Germany
We provide all cloud services in our own data centers in Germany. This is an important aspect with regard to data protection, standards and trust through proximity.
You get transparent security architecture. Protection against e.g. data loss and cyber-attacks is especially important when companies want to move critical business information and personal data to the cloud. Our Cloud is certified and secured with all necessary procedures so that your data and applications are protected in the best possible way.

Time saving
Outsourcing your IT infrastructure gives you time and peace of mind to focus on your core business. At the same time, you are technologically up to date and compliant with regulatory requirements.

Planning reliability
By using cloud solutions, you gain full transparency over your costs and high investment security. Thanks to scalability, you have the option of expanding or reducing the services at any time, depending on your business requirements.

Switching to cloud solutions brings enormous cost savings - especially for small and medium sized enterprises (SME) - particularly by eliminating the need to operate their own IT infrastructure with all its requirements for security, regulation, documentation, personnel expenses and modern technology.

New business models and other requirements, which also need to be supported by IT, can be implemented much faster with cloud services because they are scalable. We also offer numerous additional services and business solutions in the cloud.
PASS Cloud Computing Services stand for...
- over 300 customers using our cloud solutions
- long-standing customer relationships
- mature, flexible cloud service models
- three own certified data centers in Aschaffenburg and Bad Mergentheim (Germany)
- two external certified data center in Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
- high security standards
With a cloud cockpit tailored to your needs, you maintain full control of your cloud solutions made by PASS at all times. The functions of the Cloud Dashboard include:
- Complete overview and insight into service level fulfillment
- Flexible resource bookings via the platform products and the add-on products